An experiment with an unconsecrated
host demonstrating how many particles of the Eucharist fall from the host
when received in the hand
source from Fr. John Zuhlsdorf's blog)


God the Son lowered himself
even to becoming a man two thousand years ago
The Incarnation of God the Son as a human child
conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary was
the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Savior to the world and also
was a powerful manifestation and example of the Savior’s humility which
all His followers are called to learn and practice.
St. John the Apostle and Evangelist described this
event of God the Son’s Incarnation as the shining of the life-giving
light in the darkness of the world, but deplored that the world did
not comprehend or accept it (John 1:4, 5, 11). Because of the minds
and hearts of many people were darkened and hardened by their sins, they
only saw the human nature and appearance of the Savior and refused to
recognize His Divinity when He stood before them; condemned Him as a
blasphemer; and crucified Him. The Lord even performed many miracles to
prove that He was truly the Son of God and was sent by the Father to the
world as its Savior, but many people still continued to perceive Him only
as an ordinary countryman and a carpenter from Nazareth, and, thus, failed
to seize the precious opportunity of salvation that their ancestors had
been waiting for thousands of years. Only the few who were humble in
heart and feared God understood that Jesus was truly the Messiah.
The Incarnate God the Son, Jesus,
now lowers Himself even to looking like bread and wine in the Blessed
Now, two thousand years later, the
opportunity of salvation is being offered to us in the basically same way
as before with a test of our humility and filial love and fear of God.
This test is necessary, because we humans have free will and, thus, can
and must decide on our own destiny and on how we will live to achieve our
goals. The test two thousand years ago was to recognize and accept Jesus
as the true Son of God and Savior, without being inhibited by the divine
Savior’s human nature and appearance. It was not possible to correctly
recognize and faithfully accept Him unless one had the lowliness of the
heart and the willingness to listen to God and obey His Will. Now, the
same Savior, Jesus, approaches us through His Real Presence in the
Eucharist, which can be perceived only as bread and wine by human eyes.
Again, without the lowliness of the heart and the filial love and fear of
God, it would be impossible to penetrate the external appearances of the
Eucharist and see the true reality of the Eucharist, which is the Real and
Living Presence of the whole and entire Jesus with His Body, Blood, Soul,
and Divinity. If the main priorities in our daily life are human vanities
and secular gains, we will not be able to recognize and accept the true
Reality of the Eucharist, which is Our Lord Himself, and give Him the
worship of latria, which is due only to God.
Thanks to the Sacrament of the Holy
Eucharist, the Catholic faithful are immensely blessed with the perpetual
Emmanuel, meaning God With Us,
without any excuse to envy the earlier Jewish people who could see, hear,
and touch Our Lord and walk and eat with Him. The Holy Eucharist and the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in which Our Lord in the Eucharist is offered
to the Father in a re-presentation of the Sacrifice on the Cross, are the
core of the Catholic Faith and Life.
According to the Protestant teachings, on
the other hand, the bread and wine in the Lord’s Supper are only symbols
of the Lord’s Body and Blood. In the Protestant faith, the concept of Our
Lord’s Real and Full Presence with us on earth during the time between the
Lord’s Ascension and His Second Coming is lacking, and this makes it
difficult to accept the fact of Our Lord’s exercising His own authority
and power in feeding His sheep by teaching them the infallible
truths, forgiving their sins, and performing other pastoral duties for
their sanctification through His ministers in the Church.
After the Second Vatican Council in the
1960s, through the works of some progressive theologians, who
misinterpreted and misapplied the Council Fathers’ teachings especially on
the relationship with other Christian communities and other religions, the
tendency to de-emphasize the traditional and authentic Catholic teachings
and moral commandments has spread all over the world. The solid faith
among many Catholics before the Council has weakened and become
equivocated especially regarding the Divinity of Jesus Christ, the Church
being the Mystical Body of Christ, the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Mother,
the Papal authority, the Sacrament of Confession, penance, miracles, and
so on, creating widespread confusion and disorder in the Church. The
relaxation of the doctrinal and moral discipline among the Catholic
faithful has not expedited the evangelization of the world or brought
about a deeper understanding and trust with other religious communities
but resulted in many desertions from the sacerdotal and religious
vocations, a shocking increase in the number of the Catholic laity who
abandoned their practice of the faith, and a steep fall in the number of
converts from other Christian communities to the Catholic Faith. It is an
undeniable fact that the Church is in a major crisis. Of course, the
Church will never succumb to the power of hell as the Lord promised
(Matthew 16:18), but the urgent need for a genuine, universal reform of
the clergy and laity in the Church with a restored discipline with regard
to both the revealed truths and the moral commandments is so obvious.
The Church
teachings about the fragments of the Eucharist
The presumption that the question of how
to perceive and handle the little broken pieces of the Eucharist must be a
trivial one is totally mistaken and is not compatible with the official
Church teachings. Actually, this question is one of the central and most
serious issues facing everyone who practices the Catholic Faith. The
question regarding the importance of the fragments of the Eucharist is the
same as the question about whether Our Lord is really present in the
fragments of the Eucharist or not. If there were no Real Presence of Our
Lord in them, this question would indeed be a trivial one. The following
are excerpts from the relevant teachings of the Church and the Saints.
1. “The Eucharistic presence of
Christ endures as long as the Eucharistic species
Christ is present whole and entire in
each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a
way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ”
(Catechism of the Catholic Church
2. “Do not now regard as bread that
which I have given you; but take, eat this Bread, and do not tread upon
(or crush, grind—conteratis) its crumbs (micas); for what I have called My
Body, that it is indeed. One particle from its crumbs (e micis ejus) is
able to sanctify thousands of thousands, and is sufficient to afford life
to those who eat of it” (St. Ephrem, Hymni et sermons,
IV, 4).
3. “Partake of it, but be sure not to
lose any of it. For if you lose any of it, you would clearly suffer a
loss, as it were of your own limbs. Tell me, if anyone gave you gold
dust, would you not take hold of it with every possible care, ensuring
that you would not drop any of it or suffer any loss? So will you not be
much more cautious to ensure that not a crumb falls away from that which
is more precious than gold or precious stones?” (St. Cyril of
Jerusalem, Catechesis mystagogica
V, 21-22, PG 33).
4. “Also in every part of the consecrated host
or the consecrated wine, when separated, the whole Christ is there”
(Council of Florence (1438-1445), Decree for the Armenians,
DS #1322).
5. “In fact the faithful thought themselves
guilty, and rightly so, if after they received the Body of the Lord in
order to preserve it with all care and reverence, a small fragment of it
fell off through negligence” (Pope Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei,
no. 58, September 3, 1965).
6. “Receive it: be careful lest you lose any of it. Further, the
practice which must be considered traditional ensures, more effectively,
that holy communion is distributed with the proper respect, decorum and
dignity. It removes the danger of profanation of the sacred species, in
which, in a unique way, Christ, God and man, is present whole and entire,
substantially and continually” (Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith, Memoriale Domini).
7. “After Holy Communion, not only should the remaining Hosts and the
particles that have fallen from them that retain the appearance of
bread be reverently preserved or consumed, as the reverence due to
Christ’s eucharistic Presence, but even for the other fragments of Hosts
the directions for purifying the patens and chalice should be observed as
they are found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal”
(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, De Particulis et
fragmentis hostiarum reverenter conservandis vel sumendis, May 2,
“Especially in the manner of receiving Holy Communion (in the hand)
some points indicated from experience should be most carefully observed.
Let the greatest diligence and care be taken particularly with regard to
fragments, which perhaps break off the hosts. This applies to the
minister and to the recipient whenever the Sacred Host is placed in the
hands of the communicant” (Congregation for Divine Worship and
Sacraments, Immensae Caritatis, January 25, 1973).
special reasons that expedited the erosion of
the Eucharistic devotion since the mid-1960s
It was indicated above that the general erosion of the traditional
doctrinal and moral discipline in the Church in recent decades had been
caused by the activities of the progressive theologians who misinterpreted
and misapplied the teachings of the Second Vatican Council to the life in
the Church against the Council Fathers’ intentions. These priests were
carried away by the so-called “Spirit of Vatican II” and misled the
faithful into thinking that the Church was moving away from some of her
doctrines to keep pace with the modern world and to accommodate to the
Protestants and also that the teachings of the previous
Councils—especially, the teachings of the Council of Trent in the 16th
Century—were no longer valid in our modern world. A most conspicuous
example of this radical mentality in the Church was the appearance of a
new catechism in the Netherlands: De Nieuwe Katechismus,
1966, in which the traditional teaching on the Holy Eucharist was
compromised by a new theory that focused not on the changes in the
substances of bread and wine but on the changes in the signification or
purpose of the bread and wine; distorted the teaching on the original sin;
justified artificial birth controls; raised doubts about the existence of
human soul and the angels; and stated or implied many other deviations and
dilutions from the authentic Church teachings. This new Dutch catechism
had a strong influence on the liberal clergy in many countries.
Another significant development that made a profound contribution to the
weakening of the traditional Eucharistic devotion worldwide was Fr. Karl
Rahner’s presentation of a new theory on the Holy Eucharist in his book:
Theological Investigations, 1966. In his book, Fr. Rahner
defined the Eucharist as a meal that God gives us for spiritual
nourishment and, based on this definition, said that the Eucharist must
have the appearance of a meal to be valid. He further said that the Lord
could not be present in any of the little broken pieces of the Eucharist,
because they do not have the appearance of a meal prepared for us. Fr.
Rahner also stated that as soon as the Eucharist enters the communicant’s
stomach and begins being digested by the enzymes, there is no longer the
Lord’s Presence in it, because the Eucharist that is even partially
digested cannot be considered a meal any longer. It is truly amazing that
so many priests so credulously embraced Fr. Rahner’s new theory in
preference to the official teachings of the Church. Fr. Rahner is a
theologian and, as such, the truthfulness of his teachings is not
automatically supported by the teaching authority of the Church. Any
individual’s theological writings and speeches should be weighed by the
standards of the official Church teachings before they can be accepted as
authentic. If they fail this test, they are only speculative private
opinions that are likely to confuse people rather than enlighten them.
In Fr. Rahner’s theory, “the appearance of a meal” is the key
standard in determining whether the Eucharist contains the Lord’s Real
Presence or not. On the contrary, the Church teaching says: “The
Eucharistic presence of Christ endures as long as the Eucharistic species
subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and
whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking
of the bread does not divide Christ” (Catechism of the
Catholic Church #1377). These two standards used in discerning Our
Lord’s Eucharistic Presence are not the same. The Church teaching clearly
says that the broken parts of the Eucharist do contain the whole and
entire presence of Christ as long as they retain the species of bread and
wine (whether they look like a meal or not). The requirement of “looking
like a meal” is a subjective concept formed in individuals’ minds and
has nothing to do with the objective facts of the Eucharistic species of
bread and wine. A grain of salt, for example, still is real salt, even
though it may not look like a meal. Fr. Rahner replaced a key concept in
the official Church doctrine with a different concept concocted by him.
His assertion regarding the Eucharist is an error and only incites more
erosion of the Eucharistic faith and devotion in people’s minds.
What about the particles of the
Eucharist that are too small to be visible to our eyes?
As indicated above, the Church teaching says that the broken parts of the
Eucharist do contain the whole and entire Presence of Our Lord, but does
not specify the smallest size of the fragment of the Eucharist that still
retains the Real Presence of the Lord. According to science, the smallest
unit of a matter that still retains its property is the molecule. A
molecule, however, is too small to be seen by human eyes. Then, it seems
theoretically possible that there are very small particles of the
Eucharist that are not visible to us but are still valid Eucharist. On
the other hand, we need to trust God’s infinite power and wisdom and
accept that God will only require us to do our best and do not worry about
what is beyond our power. What we are unable to handle, He will. In
fact, this is what Fr. H. Noldin and Fr. Albertus Schmitt, both Jesuit
theologians before the Second Vatican Council, stated in their book:
Summa Theologiae Moralis Iuxta Codicem Iuris Canonici. Their
guideline was generally accepted in the Church as correct and appropriate
before the Second Vatican Council and should remain the same after the
The problem in our time is not about the Eucharistic fragments that are
too small to be seen by our eyes but about the visible fragments and
particles that are being handled carelessly as if they did not contain Our
Lord’s Full Presence, are being lost or even knowingly disposed of. This
is a problem caused by the lack of faith and is a sacrilege. (When the
Eucharist is received in the hand, little particles sometimes (more
frequently than generally known) remain in the hand and get lost.) A
careful, loving care of the little pieces of the Eucharist, on the other
hand, will be an expression of our faith in the truth that Our Lord taught
us and of our little-but-genuine love for Our Lord even when He is
situated in a lowly and helpless condition. We live in a world where
external power and glamour are highly valued, but this is not how God
judges us and weighs our works. God is looking for true love that
necessarily goes with humility and self-denial. That is why Our Lord
often comes to us in a lowly appearance, hiding His divine glory and
power. If we despise the small size and lowly appearance of the Eucharist
and its fragments, we will not be able to recognize Him, the incarnate God
the Son dwelling among us, even if we consider ourselves as friends of
It also seems that this same principle applies to the question of
abortion. Because these babies in their mothers’ wombs are small and
unable to defend themselves, we may be tempted to despise them, trivialize
them, and unhesitatingly get rid of them when they are deemed
inconvenient. Their small sizes and weakness, however, will not be
acceptable excuses before God for taking their lives.
The evil of neglecting and mistreating the
fragments and particles of the Holy Eucharist seems to have spread all
over the world along with the general weakening of the Eucharistic Faith
and Devotion. The spiritual and moral debts that we have incurred before
God because of our carelessness and coldness toward the Holy Eucharist,
the countless abortions and other sins must be enormous and rising fast
every day. We must urgently spread the truth about this crisis to awaken
more people and also pray hard and offer up penance every day to appease
the just wrath of God, who has already been too offended but is still
holding back the terrifying punishment, because He is anxious not to
chastise us but to send down overflowing blessings upon us.
Benedict Sang M. Lee
Mary’s Touch By Mail
Gresham, Oregon, U. S. A.
December 8, 2009