Our Lady of Naju
Victorious Queen of the World
December 8, 2013

On December 8, 2013, Solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception of Our Lady, a halo made in the United States was brought to
Naju and was consecrated by three priests to honor Our
Lady of
Naju, The
Queen of the World.
It was Ms. Judy Navarrete of Los Angeles, a retired
registered nurse and a fervent promoter of Our Lady’s messages in Naju,
who designed, made, and brought this halo to Naju. She had conceived the
idea of making a halo for the Blessed Mother of Naju, Korea in the early
2000’s, even though she had no information or skill for making a halo.
It took her ten years for completing this halo after numerous difficulties
and frustrations. Judy says that she is convinced of the Heavenly guidance
and help throughout the process. She also thanks those people in eight
different countries in the world who helped her. When this halo was placed
behind the Blessed Mother’s statue in her Chapel in Naju on 12/8/13,
those who were present there were pleasantly astonished by the
overwhelming beauty and holiness of the Blessed Mother’s statue with the
new halo.
At the same time, fragrant oil miraculously came down
on the halo and the holy water that Julia sprinkled on the entire floor of
the Chapel turned into fragrant oil, filling the Chapel with powerful and
pleasant fragrance. It was obvious that this was a sign of the enormous
joy of and blessing from the Lord and the Blessed Mother as well as a
solemn indication that the Blessed Mother’s victory over Satan predicted
in Genesis 3:15 and Apocalypse 12 is approaching.

(Judy speaking in Naju, Dec. 8,
Judy says:
The 12 golden stars on the halo represent the Blessed Mother’s Queenship
and her Victory. The 12 white roses represent her Motherhood for all her
children on earth. The Cross on the top contains Our Lord’s Precious
Blood that came down on Naju. One white rose under the Cross represents
the Blessed Mother who is Immaculate. The five reliquaries beside the
statue contain the Sacred Hosts that were involved in previous miracles.