The Sixth Annual Youth
Retreat in Naju
August 13 - 15, 2012
Day 1, August 13


acquainted in the Blessed Mother's Chapel


The Mass

Sister Maria explains the retreat

Arrival at the Blessed Mother's Mountain about 3
miles from the Chapel

Dinner on the Mountain

Open your minds and hearts

Working together on the projects assigned to each

Kim welcomes and encourages the participants

Making a confession to the priest

Julia hugs each participant

Julia giving some
gifts to the particpants
Day 2, August 14

Mass in the morning

(From the left) Fr. Francis Su, Fr. Lawrence Jung and
Fr. Aloysius Chang

Fr. Francis Su (Malaysia) teaches the practice of
saying "It is my fault."

Beginning the Stations of the Cross

Julia washing the participants' feet

In the evening, fragrant oil came down on the rocks
at the Twelfth Station

Fragrant oil floating on the water from the Blessed
Mother's Spring

Fragrant oil also came down at the place where little
stones stained with the drops of Our Lord's Precious Blood are being

Julia getting ready to start the campfire

Praying together around the campfire

Day 3, August 15

Some gymnastics in the morning

Writing down their fruits from the retreat

Cleaning the floor of the vinyl chapel

Ending the retreat