Photos from Naju
September 5, 2009
First Saturday

The Blessed Mother's
statue exuding fragrant oil in Naju
(September 5, 2009, First Saturday)

Fr. Konrad Stockner from Italy
looking at the photographs of miraculous signs in Naju displayed in the
back of the Blessed Mother's Chapel in Naju (September 4, 2009)

Fr. Johann Hokbater from
Austria (middle) and Fr. Konrad Stockner from Italy (right) speaking to
the pilgrims in the Blessed Mother's Chapel in Naju.The interpreter (left)
is Frau Cecilia Pohl from Germany (September 5, 2009)

The pilgrims from Europe attended
the Holy Hour prayer meeting on September 3, 2009 (Thursday) in the
Blessed Mother's Chapel in Naju.

Mass in the vinyl chapel on the
Blessed Mother's Mountain
(September 5, 2009, First Saturday)

The pilgrims from Europe doing the
Stations of the Cross on the Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju (September
5, 2009)

The two priests giving a blessing to
the pilgrims on the Blessed Mother's Mountain in Naju (September 5, 2009)
(On the last day of pilgrimage to
Naju by the European pilgrims, Julia gave a replica statue of Our Lady of
Naju to each of the two priests. The statue given to Fr. Stockner from
Italy exuded the Mother's milk from her chest. Father dipped his finger
in the milk and said that he would never wash that finger. The other
statue given to Fr. Hokbater from Austria exuded fragrant oil. The two
priests and other pilgrims from Europe were ecstatic and grateful for the
graces they received during their pilgrimage.)