on January 18, 2002 (2)
November 9, 2001, when we were doing the Stations of the Cross on the
Blessed Mother’s Mountain, the Blessed Mother said, “I am listening to
the sounds of fervent prayers that you offer up on the Way of the Cross,
and am walking with you, shedding tears of blood at the side of My Son
Jesus, Who is shedding blood and is with you,” and gave us the Lord’s
Precious Blood and her tears of blood on the Way of the Cross between the
Third Station and the Fifteenth Station, which was such a miserable,
heart-breaking scene.
again Jesus and the Blessed Mother gave us the Precious Blood, tears, and
tears of blood between the Seventh Station and the Thirteenth Station. (Click
to see pictures of blood-stained rocks on November 9, 2001.)
Many pilgrims saw the fresh blood marks scattered on the Way of the
Cross, were very surprised by this miserable scene, and cried loudly.
The time when we found the blood marks today was about 9:30 a.m.,
when we were doing the Stations of the Cross.
At about 5 p.m., we went back to the Blessed Mother’s Mountain to
collect the blood-stained rocks. When
we reached the Twelfth Station at about 5:20 p.m. I saw fresh blood coming
down again. More than ten
among the pilgrims who were there also saw it.
Many were kneeling and crying loudly.
Then, I heard the loving, kind voice of the Blessed Mother.

(second from left) and other pilgrims examining rocks stained with Blood
to see more photos of the blood-stained rocks)
beloved daughter! And all the
children in the world who have been called!
Make haste to wake up and come closer, as my Son Jesus and I are
personally coming to you to save your sick souls by washing and wiping
away all your mistakes and filthy dirt and opening what has been clogged,
with the Precious Blood flowing out of my Son’s Five Wounds, His wounds
made by the crown of thorns, and His burning Sacred Heart; the tears and
tears of blood that I shed; and the streams of water of mercy.
Lord has already told you: “He who loves Me shall be loved by My Father;
and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.”* Have I not told you that the signs coming down from Heaven
are the Mysteries of Salvation? And
until now your Lord and I have manifested Our Presence in various ways,
showed various signs again and again, and spoken countless words
repeatedly, but even most of the clergy, whose duty is to make the Lord
known, are turning their eyes away from them (the signs and messages),
pretending not to know about them, with their hearts closed and ironclad
with silence instead of speaking the truth, because of face-saving and
others’ eyes. For this reason, numerous souls are losing their sense of
direction and are walking toward hell.
As the signs (of the blood that descended on the Way of the Cross)
have been shown to save these souls, be more awake and pray so that many
souls may receive the grace of repentance.
the children in the world! The
time of chastisement is drawing very near.
By making haste to repent, offering up sacrifices and reparations,
and living a consecrated life, strive hard to be saved.
As today a sign of that love, with which the Lord has given Himself
up for you unsparingly because He loves you all so much, has been given to
you in your presence, at least you who have been called should display the
power of love more diligently and, in unity attained through a complete
dissolution within me, offer up reparations for the most horrible sins of
blasphemy. Then, the time of
chastisement will turn into irresistible love and blessing.
That is because your God Who is in Heaven is not the God of bondage
but Love Itself.
beloved children who have been called!
As you always believe, follow, and make my Son Jesus and me known,
We will protect and accompany you at your side and will defend and protect
you even when strong winds and angry waves threaten to sweep you away.
Thus, your tears and sighs will turn into joy.
if the children in the world do not accept the Lord’s and my words and
turn their faces away from them to the end, there will be nothing that I
can do at that time.
become a starting engine that refreshes the hearts of the children in the
world who have become mired in all kinds of sins, and make known to
everyone the Lord’s and my Love which transcends time and space. By doing so, come aboard Mary’s Ark of Salvation, reach
Heaven, and possess the Tree of Eternal Life.
Naju, Korea