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‘Pray for the Pope. Support and protect him...’

Message on June 27, 1993
(Sunday celebrating the establishment of the Papacy)

At the Blessed Mother's call, I went to her statue which was exuding fragrant oil and prayed together with pilgrims. At 3 p.m., the Blessed Mother's statue seemed to be completely wet with the fragrant oil and the area around the statue became bright. I heard her loving and kind voice.


Daughter! My Son Jesus gave Peter the Keys of Heaven. Isn't the Pope the successor of Peter? Pray and offer sacrifices for the Pope. Support and protect him. As the Vicar of My Son Jesus, he is carrying a heavy cross. He has been consecrated to me, loves me so much and accepts me so well . . . . He already understands my words that I am giving to all with tears and tears of blood in Korea.

To the Pope, who is my son, whom I love without limit and whom I can put in my eyes without hurting them, I will give a special love and sign.

So many children in the world are mired in the secular spirit. They continue committing sins, driving more nails on the Lord, pressing down the crown of thorns harder on His Head, and, thus, making Him shed more Blood. However, the Lord does not bleed in vain, but drops His Blood into a chalice and gives It to all His children through the priests whom He has called. But how many of the children are accepting Him?

The Lord saved you through His Passion and Death on the Cross. He saved all of you with His Precious Blood, Wounds, and painful Death and is leading you to the Life of Resurrection through His Body and Blood in the Blessed Sacrament. Now all priests must teach the importance of the Holy Eucharist to all the children in the world, as they celebrate the Sacred Mass with true love and sincere participation. Thus, today I make this request to my beloved son, the Pope.

I have manifested the images of the Holy Eucharist in various ways so that all my children may understand the importance of the Holy Eucharist. Hurriedly become blazing flames of love, reparation and adoration toward the Lord Who is in the Holy Eucharist.

I will always stay close to the Pope, help him, protect him from dangers, and be with him in the Heavenly Garden. If my words are well accepted and practiced, the chastisement which is to fall upon all of you will turn into a Second Pentecost and the Church will be renewed by the irresistible power of the Holy Spirit and Love.


When she finished speaking, the light disappeared, too. Some of the pilgrims and I took some photographs of the Blessed Mother's statue. We were amazed, because all of us present there saw the statue move to the left. Images of the Sacred Host and a Chalice appeared in the photographs.

May the Lord bestow His Infinite Love and Mercy on the Holy Father! Amen.

Upper left: In this photograph taken in the Chapel on June 27, 1993, clear images of the Sacred Host and Chalice appeared beside the Blessed Mother’s statue. There also were images of a cross and the letters ‘A’ and W on the Sacred Host.

Upper right: In another photograph taken a few moments afterwards, there were images of five blood marks on the Sacred Host. Small pieces of cloth were placed at the foot of the statue to absorb the fragrant oil from the statue.

Left: Enlargement of the same photo

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