Mystical Experiences of Sr. Maria Natalia
from the book: THE VICTORIOUS
– The diary of Sr. Maria Natalia of Hungary (1901-1992)
Stephen A. Foglein

Most Holy Virgin favored with abundant locutions and extraordinary
visions, during several years, Sister Maria Natalia Magdolna (1901-1992),
Hungarian nun, born near Pozsony (in present Slovakia), pertaining to the
congregation of Sisters of the Good Shepherd of St. Mary Magdalente of
Her life was full of supernatural graces and an intense communication with
God. She died in odor of sanctity at an advanced age
our salvation
I asked Jesus: “On
what does our salvation depend?” He
answered, “Salvation
does not depend on this day or yesterday, nor does it depend on a day 40
years ago, but it depends on the last moment!
Therefore you should constantly repent of your sins.
You received salvation because I saved you!
It is not because of your merits!
Only the degree of the glory you will receive in eternity depends
on your merits.”
Therefore, there are two things we constantly have to practice.
Repenting our sins
Saying often: My Jesus, I commend my soul into your hands.
One should not be afraid of
the Judgment! Jesus, like a
meek lamb, surrounds souls with unspeakable love.
He did not send anyone to Purgatory.
The soul itself goes there, longing to clean itself in order to be
able to meet again with Love itself with Whom it had fallen in love
eternally. The proud soul
detests this love, it distances itself from it and this by itself is hell.
Once I cried on Jesus’
shoulder: “Why did you create hell?”
To answer me, Jesus brought me to the judgment of a very sinful
soul, whose sins He forgave. Satan
was outraged! “You
are not just! This soul was
mine all his life.” He
shouted to Jesus: “This
one committed so many sins, while I committed only one, and You still
created hell for me.”
Jesus then with unbounded love told Satan:
“Lucifer! Did
you ever ask Me for forgiveness?”
Lucifer, seemingly beside himself, shouted: “That never!
That I will never do!”
Then Jesus turned to me, “You
see, if he could ask Me for forgiveness only once, hell would cease to
This is why Jesus asks us
to live in constant penance for our sins!
We should meditate on how much He suffered for our sins, in order
that we might reach salvation. We
should ask His forgiveness often and love Him for His unfathomable love!
Jesus longs for our love
very much; for the love of each of us individually.
“Every soul is a separate unique
world,” He told me.
“One cannot replace the other!”
Jesus loves each individual soul individually.
His love for a particular soul is reserved for that soul and it
does not resemble the love He has for other souls.
Jesus taught about preventing the temptation of the devil
“My child!
If you are in great sorrow and cannot pray; if you are confused
about something; if you are hurt; if you feel you are burnt out and you
have no strength at all, you just say to Me with confidence and love:
Jesus . . . Jesus. Then,
hearing My name, the angels, the saints and my Immaculate Mother all
prostrate themselves before Me and adore Me.
Hell is closed, since hell is also under the power of God: it
cannot act; it has to bow before My name.
It is written in
Scripture that heaven and earth shall bow before My name.
You see, this is the meaning of it.
Don’t you think the pronunciation of My name is a powerful
If you cannot do more
during the time allocated to prayer, just pronounce My name, and you
should do this whenever you take a breath, with love and trust, then you
prayed very well and you can gain everything by that.”
This is why we do not have
to convert others by force. If
someone cannot be reached, for example a father or mother or children, it
is enough if we pray for them. They
will be surrounded with a blessed force field.
All this through Our Virgin Mother!
Because we cannot approach Jesus without His Mother if we want to
appear favorably before Him. A
man of pride cannot do that. A
proud man goes on the way of perdition.
Lucifer couldn’t humiliate himself either.
Our Virgin Mother carries all her children in her arms.
She caresses them, gives them all her merits, and makes Jesus
overlook their faults.
If someone wishes to get
close to Jesus, then that person should turn to His Mother and should give
himself completely to her. Our
Virgin Mother then will surely protect and give that person to Jesus.
we be afraid that Mary will overshadow Jesus?
I was devoted to Our
Heavenly Mother, but when Jesus appeared, the experience overwhelmed me so
much so that I could not think anything else.
I asked Jesus:
“Is it not hurting your
Mother, if I love you?”
Jesus smiled, “If
you want to cause joy to My Immaculate Mother, then tell Me: I love
“My Jesus, after this I
will always tell you I love You
to give Your Mother pleasure!”
is Jesus’ opinion of wicked men?
Not so long ago I watched
TV. On the screen a man sent a
dog after people who were escaping, and the dog tore them apart.
I was shaken by this, that in reality one man can cause such great
suffering to another and I wished the dog would tear apart the man who
roused it to anger against the other.
Then I heard the sad voice of Jesus, “Those
who are tortured by another man and die, receive special graces from Me
and they will receive from Me undescribable happiness throughout
But what happens to him,
who committed the evil deed? “That man is also My child, I died for him too.
And now you are hitting him? The
evil he did pains Me less than that you strike him, the one whom I love so
much. With this blow you hit
Me! I beg you, do not hurt Me.
Rather, pray for him, that he may repent, that he may not have to
go to eternal damnation, but become one of Mine.”
Then Jesus showed me how ardently He loves sinners.
He loves me because of them. This
way Jesus covers up our sins by which we are hurting Him.
I would not dare to commit them again, because I would hate to
cause Him pain. I understood
that at the Last Judgment, when all will see our repented sins, they will
become glittering jewelry, because of the love of Jesus.
What is Jesus’ opinion
about our deeds?
I asked Jesus what I should do to please Him.
He answered: “It does not matter what you do, whether you sit or lie
down. You can do anything,
even exercise. The only thing
that matters is that you should be always beside Me and love Me!!!
You should never step out of Me.
Tell Me everything, even your thoughts.
Do not stop talking to Me. The
only thing I ask you to watch: not to hurt Me.
I’ll do the rest for you; even the material and spiritual welfare
of your family. If you love
Me, you do not have to ask for anything.
You have only one task: to
love Me! I should like you to
understand this eventually. Everything
else will be provided for you, my poor, precious child.”
The other method of
repentance Jesus requests
Go often to confession! I
saw that when someone is at confession Jesus opens up His wounds and His
Precious Blood flows from the wounds drop by drop while the priest says
the prayer of absolution. He
told me, “My child, go to confession!
And say something because I want to shed My Blood again for
mankind. I ask for your
Mary’s Touch By Mail
August 30, 2015