Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Special
stop all abortions with no exceptions
to bring all her children in the world to her Son Jesus
through her Immaculate Heart
Between August 14, 1990
and April 28, 1992, Our Lady gave her messages to all of us through an
elderly layperson (Mr. Kenneth Staloch near Seattle) to explain her
Special Plans for our current times and to awake and mobilize us to help
her in successfully accomplishing her Special Plans as soon as possible.
The following are excerpts from her messages.
“Together, my dear children, we
will end the horrible evil of abortion.
I will help you stop
all abortions. There will be
no exceptions. Together we
will bring about a new era of protecting all human life,
that is, each person, from conception to natural death.
I will put a stop to the
present bloody human sacrifices like I did among the pagans after the miracle of my image began in 1531. . .
My image is a continuing
invitation to give yourselves to me so I may do with you what I have planned in bringing
my children of all the Americas and the whole world
to my Son Jesus through my Immaculate Heart . . .
No third person or
persons, seers, are relaying
details of my appearance to you. You
see with your own eyes, your Mother, Your Lady of Guadalupe.
I want all my children to see me.” (August 14, 1990)
“You are in great need of my motherly love and protection.
You and your home, the
Americas, are being destroyed by pagan practices.
Also, confusion is found even among you who want to lead good lives; even among you who search for me,
the Mother of God.
The distractions multiply. Please
return to me, Your Lady of Guadalupe, with your whole heart and the gift
of your hands for my work.” (April 28, 1992)
help us easily and clearly understand her plans and more bravely and
effectively help her, Our Lady prepared a very precious and powerful gift
for us: her true and miraculous
Image in the form of a photograph taken at the National Sanctuary of
Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland, Oregon on August 15, 1991.
This photograph of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is
the same as the original Image of 1531 but has several images newly
revealed which are most relevant to the current world’s problems and
needs. These are images of the Holy Eucharist, the Holy
Spirit, the Immaculate Heart of
Our Lady, Our Lady kneeling,
weeping, and praying for the unborn babies, and more.
The propagation of this photograph has been permitted by His
Excellency Archbishop Alexander K. Sample of the Archdiocese of Portland.
(For more information, please visit: www.marys-touch.com.)
this photograph is not a product of any humans on earth but a supernatural
product of God and Our Lady for the benefit of all of us living in this
world. Through the Images in
this photograph, we can become closer to the Presence of Our Lord and Our
Lady and become more determined and courageous in working for Our Lord and
Our Lady’s Plans. Praying
for more Grace of Our Lord on all of you!
─ Benedict Lee, Mary's Touch By Mail, Sep.
15, 2015