Lady of Guadalupe's
recent messages to us
exceptionally bright rainbow that appeared in the sky of Portland, Oregon,
on July 29, 1991, two
days before the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe arrived here.
Kenneth Staloch in 1990 and 1992:)
dear children, we will end the horrible evil of abortion. I will help you
to stop all abortions. There will be no exceptions. Together we will bring
about a new era of protecting all human life, that is, each person, from
conception to natural death."
are in great need of my motherly love and protection. You and your home,
the Americas, are being destroyed by pagan practices. Also, confusion is
found even among you who want to lead good lives; even among you who
search for me, the Mother of God."
─ Mary’s Touch By Mail, www.marys-touch.com