on the photograph for larger image
DECLARATION: This photograph of the Missionary
Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was taken by me in the church at the Shrine
of Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., on August 15, 1991,
the Solemnity of Our Lady's Assumption, without any anticipation of the
appearance of additional images in the photograph and has been preserved
ever since free of any additions, deletions, or other alterations. Also,
the contents of this paper are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. The explanations and comments, especially regarding
the meaning and significance of this photograph, are my personal
discernments and convictions based on my conscience and the faith received
from the Church and are subject to the official discernment by the proper
authority in the Church.
Benedict Sang M. Lee on September 28, 2010
Where and when this photograph was taken
The Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland, Oregon,
where this photograph of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was
taken on August 15, 1991, is a national shrine built by the Fathers of the
Order of Friars Servants of Mary (the Servite Order in short) in 1924 in
honor of Our Lady and her Seven Sorrows (www.thegrotto.org).
This shrine is commonly called "the Grotto", as, at the foot of the
110-foot cliffs on the left side of the church and other buildings, there
is a large grotto in which there is a replica of the Pietˆ in St. Peter's
Basilica at the Vatican. There also is a smaller grotto nearby with the
statues of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette Soubirous. This 62-acre
shrine is in the middle of a forest of tall coniferous trees in the
north-eastern part of Portland and includes a church, the Stations of the
Cross, a gift shop, conference rooms, and offices. The Servite Order
monastery is located in the area above the cliffs and is reachable by an
elevator. The whole shrine is filled with an air of beauty, peace, and
Picture #2:
The church at the shrine of Our Sorrowful Mother
Right, Picture #3: Inside the church, after the 10:30 A.M. Mass on August
15, 1991 when the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was on display
in the front of the church. (The little boy praying in a back pew is
On August 15, 1991, which was the Solemnity of Our Lady's
Assumption, my familyÑmy 84 year-old mother, my wife, Chris (our 11
year-old son), and myselfÑattended the 10:30 A.M. Mass in the church at
the Grotto. The church was packed, especially because the Missionary Image
of Our Lady of Guadalupe was on display in the church on that day. It was
the last day of the Image's stay in Portland, having arrived at Portland
International Airport two weeks earlier and having visited several other
churches in northwestern Oregon. After Mass (at about noon), many people
gathered before the Blessed Mother's Image to pray, to touch (the Image
was covered with glass), and to take photographs. We also did the same
with much joy and excitement, as it was a rare opportunity to be so close
to the precious Image. This Image was one of the two photographic replicas
of the original Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, gifted to the Church in
the United States
by the Mexican Bishops. As immigrants from Korea (I came to
America in 1972), we had not known about Our Lady of Guadalupe, but, while
living in this country, have gradually acquired the respect and love for
her. We have learned about the enormous importance of her Image not only
for Mexico but also for the entire Americas, Italy, Spain, the
Philippines, and more. Twenty-five Popes in the past centuries issued
official documents reconfirming the importance of the Image of Our Lady of
Guadalupe. Pope John Paul II visited the Shrine in Guadalupe in Mexico in
1979 and 2002. The Shrine of Guadalupe is visited by millions of pilgrims
per year, more than at Lourdes, France. (In 2002, Fr. Aloysius Chang of
Naju and Julio Kim, Julia's husband, made a pilgrimage to Guadalupe.) We
were very happy to witness this sacred Image, which is such a powerful
sign of the Blessed Mother's motherly Presence for all who recognize her
Motherhood and rely on her help. (For more information
on Our Lady of Guadalupe, please visit www.MaryOurMother.net/Guadalupe.html.)
After praying for a while before the Image, I took two
photographs right before the Image and a few more from further back in the
church. My intention of photographing the Image at a close distance was to
have a good photographic copy of it in our home, but I was concerned about
the reflection of the camera flash that would surely ruin the photograph,
as the Image was covered with glass. There was no way I could avoid the
reflection as long as I took the photograph directly before the Image.
Feeling helpless, I took the photograph anyway. Then, I took another
photograph at an angle so that the camera flash could be avoided. I knew
this second photograph would not make an ideal copy of the Image because
it was taken at an angle. Then, I took a few more photographs from greater
distances for fuller views of the inside of the church.
Pilgrimages to Lourdes, France (August 22-25, 1991)
and to Naju, Korea (October 19-20, 1991)
A week after the photograph was taken at the Grotto, Chris
and I began our first ever trip to Europe for a pilgrimage to Our Lady's
shrine in Lourdes, France, and my business meeting in Germany. The day we
arrived in Lourdes by train from Paris was the early morning of August 22,
which we realized was the Feast of Our Lady's Queenship. It also was the
day when the three-day coup by the radical Communists in the Soviet Union
failed and Gorbachev was released. We spent three days in Lourdes before
going to Germany. This pilgrimage was an extremely blessed and uplifting
experience for us, even though Chris lost appetite and could not eat any
food during the whole trip. After Lourdes, we went back to Paris by TGV
and, then, to Frankfurt in Germany. The business meeting with the
marketing manager from a British company was not very fruitful, as she was
not ready to make an agreement with us for cooperation in Korea and
requested another meeting in the next month (October 1991) in Seoul,
Korea. I had to agree to it. Because Chris was not eating any food, I
tried to cut short the trip and return home early, but it was not possible
to change the flight schedule. When we came home after the ten-day trip,
Chris recovered instantly and began eating the food prepared by his
mother. My business meeting with the British lady in Korea in October was
not successful, either, as she was not sure about the Korean market for
their products (kitchenware). This trip to Korea, however, was enormously
meaningful to me, because it gave me a chance to visit Naju and witness
what was going on there. This visit to Naju unexpectedly led us to begin
the mission of spreading the Naju information. I was grateful to the
British business lady after all, as she was an instrument leading us to
Lourdes and Naju. In 1992, we started a non-profit organization: Mary's
Touch By Mail and closed our family-owned business company because the
increasing workload at Mary's Touch By Mail was demanding my full-time
An unexpected image of the Holy Eucharist and other
in the photograph of Our Lady of Guadalupe
After our return from Europe, we had several rolls of film
developed. Many of the photographs had been taken in Lourdes. In one of
the photographs of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe taken in
Portland on August 15, 1991, there was a reflection of the camera flash as
expected, but, to our great surprise, there also was a small round image
looking like the Eucharist at the tip of the Blessed Mother's fingers. We
simply could not understand how this happened. Chris and I went back to
the Grotto to see if there was anything in the church that might have
caused this image. We could not find anything. Still, the idea of a
possible miracle was remote from our minds, and we continued to think that
there had to be some natural explanation. Nevertheless, the fact that an
image looking like the Eucharist appeared exactly at the tip of the
Blessed Mother's fingers continued to amaze us. I showed this photograph
to several people at a local Marian center and they were amazed, too.
Then, over the next few months, some more images were found in the
photograph (See Picture #4), sometimes by us and other times by others.
These images were not obvious at first glance, but, after they were
recognized, they were evident. As more images were found, we were puzzled
over the question of how all these images occurred simultaneously in one
photograph. They did not seem to be random or trivial, because the theme
that these images seemed to be pointing to was the same: the Blessed
Mother's opening a new age in which her Divine Son reigns through His
Presence in the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit renews the world. The
possibility that the devil did this had to be rejected, because God would
never allow the devil to mess with the sacred, miraculous Image of Our
Lady of Guadalupe or the Image of the Eucharist.
A lady in Arizona found an image of the Holy Spirit in
the photograph!
Above Our Lady's right shoulder, there is a reflection of
a window of the church and some tree leaves outside the window. In fact,
before the lady in Arizona told me about the image of the Holy Spirit, I
had been thinking how wonderful it would be if there was an image of the
Holy Spirit instead of the reflection of the window and tree leaves. After
I heard from the lady in Arizona, I looked more carefully at the
reflection of the window and tree leaves and was greatly surprised by
recognizing the image of the Holy Spirit in the shape of a dove. Even more
surprisingly, the image of the Holy Spirit was looking at Our Lady and
also looking at us with a fig leaf in his beak.

on the picture for larger image
It seems so appropriate that the Holy Spirit is looking at
the Blessed Mother, because the Holy Spirit fills the Blessed Mother as
her Spouse. At the same time, it is so consoling and encouraging to see
that the Holy Spirit is looking at us, as He can enlighten, strengthen,
and sanctify us.
Even Our Lady of Naju is seen in the photograph!
Another amazing finding was an image of the Blessed Mother
kneeling, weeping, holding a rose in her hand, and praying in the lower
part of the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This smaller image of Our Lady
itself is filled with several images of unborn children, which alerts us
to the true nature of abortions, which is murder of human persons. The
reason why we think this is the image of Our Lady of Naju is that tears,
unborn children, and roses are some of the main distinguishing features of
Our Lady of Naju and these are seen in the smaller image of Our Lady who
is kneeling and praying in the photograph. The large bright light
radiating in all directions above the head of Our Lady of Naju is, of
course, a reflection of the camera flesh, but could represent Jesus born
of Mary and also may signify the approaching official recognition of Naju
by the Church, as this light shines so brightly right above this image of
Our Lady. Actually, the contours of this smaller image of Our Lady had
always existed in the original Image except the head. Now, one of the rays
of light from the camera flash was bent to form the Blessed Mother's head
completing the whole image of the Blessed Mother. To us, this is a small
but powerful evidence of the miraculous nature of this photograph, because
we cannot think of any natural explanation of how one of the rays of light
from the camera flash was bent to form the round contour of the Blessed
Mother's head. Maybe no one since the beginning of the miracle in
Guadalupe in 1531 had imagined that the lines so visible on the Blessed
Mother's dress in the original Image were actually the outline of the back
and leg of Our Lady kneeling and praying. It may also be said that this
photograph had been planned and anticipated in Heaven from the time the
miracle occurred in 1531. This smaller image of Our Lady (of Naju) in this
photograph may also be a sign of the connection between Our Lady of
Guadalupe and Our Lady of Naju. Such a connection seems highly
appropriate, because the miracle of the Image in Guadalupe in 1531 opened
the climactic Marian era, while Our Lady of Naju since 1985 may complete
this era through the Blessed Mother's Triumph over the Red Dragon. The
beginning and the end are meeting at one point as the hands of a clock
come back to the same point at the completion of their cycles. The
messages and miraculous signs in Naju have strongly indicated that Naju is
the conclusion of all of the Marian messages and signs in the past
centuries since 1531.
There also is the Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart!
When we look at the Blessed Mother in her original Image
in Guadalupe, we can see her blue mantle touching the ground on her right
side (left from us), but, on her left side, the mantle is not touching the
ground because it is lifted up and folded around her left arm. The Blessed
Mother is forming a hollow area with the folded portion of her mantle over
her left arm, and, now, in the photograph, this portion of the mantle is
forming the shape of a large heart, a little tilted leftward from her
standpoint. I believe that the Blessed Mother intentionally lifted the
left side of her mantle and folded it over her left arm to form the image
of her Immaculate Heart and carry and protect her children including the
little unborn babies (shown above her left shoulder) in the refuge of her
Heart. In her message to Juan Diego in 1531, she said, "Do not be
troubled or weighed down with grief. Do not fear any illness or vexation,
anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my
shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you
not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is
there anything else you need?" From this message, we can
understand the reason for the Blessed Mother's folding her mantle around
her left arm. In her messages in Naju, Korea, she has said that her
Immaculate Heart is larger than the universe and can carry all her
children in the world and keep them safe from dangers and disasters. If we
look even closer at this image of her Heart, we should be able to see
another heart, located a little above the Blessed Mother's Heart and is
partially overlapping with her Heart side by side. This second image is a
little harder to recognize than the Blessed Mother's Heart, but will be
quite obvious once it is recognized. This second shape seems to be the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. It has been known that the new age will be one of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary united as One.

Picture #5
The Blessed Mother giving her
message to Juan Diego (December 12, 1531)
Picture #6
The original
image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as it appears today.
(Click image to enlarge)
Our Lady in the original Image is on the way to her
In the original Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we can see
that the Blessed Mother's right foot is visible under her dress and is
firmly placed on the ground. On the other hand, her left leg is bent and
lifted, as indicated by the lines and shades on her dress on her left
side. This means that the Blessed Mother is in the process of walking
toward some place. In the photograph taken in the Grotto, in contrast, the
bottom portion of the Image is not included in the photograph and not
visible. The lines and shades on her dress are not clear, either. The
implication is that the Blessed Mother has completed her journey and is
now standing on the ground at her destination. Also, the photograph shows
that the Baby has been born already (in the form of the Eucharist). This
may indicate that we are at the end of the old era of preparation and are
about to enter a new era of accomplishment. Also, in the original Image,
the Blessed Mother was supported by an angel under her feet, but, in the
new photograph, the angel is not seen. It seems that the Blessed Mother
now receives more than sufficient energy directly from her Son Who has
been born of her and from the Holy Spirit Who is above her right shoulder
and energizing her. The images in the photograph seem to indicate that the
Blessed Mother is no longer in the process of waiting and preparing but is
about to complete the work of crushing the power of Satan and his forces
and opening a new era for her Divine Son. This photograph, therefore, must
be a sign of enormous hope and joy to all the faithful who have been
waiting for what this photograph signifies.
Our Lady's dark hair with no veil may indicate that she
is ready to be crowned
Another finding in the new photograph is that the color of
the Blessed Mother's veil, which was greenish blue, the same as the color
of her mantle, in the original Image, is now darker like hair implying
that the Blessed Mother removed her veil and is now ready to receive the
glorious crown from God. This again coincides with other signs mentioned
above that indicate the conclusion of one era and the opening of a new era
of Our Lord's reign. On the front wall behind the altar in the church at
the Grotto, there is a huge and beautiful drawing of the Holy Trinity
crowning the Blessed Mother. In this drawing, the Blessed Mother is not
covering her hair with a veil or the mantle. This is the only image of the
Blessed Mother in the church at the Grotto that shows Our Lady not
covering her hair. There are more than 20 drawings or statues of the
Blessed Mother in this church, and, in all of them except this one on the
front wall of the church, she is covering her hair with a veil or the
mantle. The Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was placed right
below the large drawing on the front wall of the church on August 15, 1991
when this photograph was taken. It seems to be more than a random
coincidence that both the large drawing in the church and the photograph
depict the Blessed Mother's imminent coronation.
By accident, the original film was torn in the machine
at Costco in Seattle!
During the weeks and months after the photograph of the
Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe had been taken in the Grotto, we
were ordering more prints of the photograph from Costco in Portland. At
that time, the prints of photos were made at Costco in Seattle. Then, one
day, we were shocked to be informed that the original film of this
photograph was torn in the machine. They apologized and said that they
made a new film from a print. We were dismayed and sad. We were also
wondering how this film could be ruined, if it really was a sign from
above. Then, we found that the Costco staff also enclosed a print made
from the new film, and, surprisingly, it looked quite good. Actually, it
was better than the previous prints, as it was brighter. There were no
changes or damages to the details of the Image, but the new print looked
more beautiful than the previous ones. The color of the Blessed Mother's
mantle, especially, was brighter and, therefore, looked fresher and filled
with energy. Now, when we look at this photograph of Our Lady, we feel as
if we are looking at the real, live Blessed Mother. I do not think this
perception is mistaken, because this Image was not drawn by any human
being but came directly from God in 1531, and, therefore, cannot be
perceived in the same way as the pictures of this world. Also, when the
original Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was examined by Dr. Jose Tonsmann,
a scientist, in 1981, it was found that the Blessed Mother's eyes
contained the images of several people, most likely the reflections of
Bishop Zumarraga and others looking at the Blessed Mother's miraculous
Image on Juan Diego's tilma in 1531. At the moment Bishop Zumarraga and
others were looking at the Image, the Blessed Mother was not present
before them in the same manner as when she was standing before Juan Diego
on the hill at Tepeyac. Nevertheless, the Blessed Mother's eyes in the
Image on the tilma had the reflections of the Bishop and others looking at
her image on the tilma. This implies that there was a live presence of the
Blessed Mother through this Image. This reasoning probably can be applied
to the reality surrounding the photograph as well. The Image in this
photograph is not a human product at all, although the acts of taking the
photograph and making prints were done by humans (despite their
unworthiness as instruments of God). The Blessed Mother in the original
Image or in the photograph does not move physically, but she can
powerfully influence and move the minds and hearts of those who look at
her with love and trust, as her faithful and humble children. Of course,
this improvement in the film and photograph after the accident had nothing
to do with any knowledge or intention of the staff at Costco or anyone
else on earth. It was a simple consequence of a potentially disastrous
accident. The images in the previous prints were darker as shown in
Picture #7, which is a photograph taken at an angle on August 15, 1991. We
can only thank and praise God for drawing good out of bad.
Is this photograph a sign separate from the original
Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
The answer is "No". Even if the new images
seen in this photograph are officially confirmed to be of the supernatural
origin, they cannot be separate from the original Image. The new images
can only be a continuation or extension of the original Image and a
blossoming of the contents of the original Image that had been hidden
since 1531. As already indicated above, the Blessed Mother is seen to be
pregnant and going toward her destination in the original Image. Now, in
this photograph, she is seen to have given birth to the Child Jesus, Who
is about to begin His glorious Reign over the world through His Presence
in the Holy Eucharist. The Holy Spirit is also with the Blessed Mother and
with us and about to cleanse and transform the whole world. The original
Image in Guadalupe was already a most marvelous, detailed pictorial
presentation of God's Love and Mercy that the people in Mexico in the 16th
Century, who were mostly illiterate, easily understood. Through this
original Image, nine million Indians in Mexico converted to the Catholic
Faith during the first few years, and this conversion spread to all other
nations in Latin America in the subsequent years. Now, it seems possible
that God wills to expand the role of Our Lady of Guadalupe to the
evangelization and transformation of the whole world.
Picture #7
The second photograph taken in the Grotto in Portland on August 15, 1991,
from an angle before the Image. Additional images did not appear in this
Do we have an obligation to publicize this photograph?
Even after we became convinced that this photograph was a
gift from above, we were not sure if we had to propagate it to other
people. Of course, we were happy to share the photograph with those around
us, but doing it as a mission would be another matter. One attitude we
could have was that this photograph probably was a private gift from God
to our family so that we could become more devoted to the work we were
starting at that time, which was the promotion of the information about
the Blessed Mother's activities in Naju, Korea, especially because this
photograph was taken just two months before my first visit to Naju.

Picture #8
People praying before the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the
shrine of Our Sorrowful Mother on August 15, 1991. (The little boy on the
right is Chris.)
On the other hand, we thought that God would not give a
sign involving something of such importance, magnitude, and dignity as the
Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for a private purpose only. Actually, in
May of 1991, three months before the photograph was taken, my family
consecrated ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate
Heart of Mary in a small church in Portland, St. Birgitta's. We were
serious about the consecration, but did not expect that the Blessed Mother
would respond so quickly by giving us a work to do and a sign for it. We
gradually became more aware that there was a mission that we were called
to carry out regardless of our unworthiness. We are aware that God chooses
for His work not the great and powerful but the lowly and weak. In the
Bible, we also read that Jesus was very strict toward those who despised,
ignored, or neglected the miraculous signs he had performed (Luke
10:13-15). If we keep this photograph to ourselves only, we would be
disobedient to God, which would be a serious mistake by us. It appears
that, since the original Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe has already been
officially recognized by the Bishops of Mexico and many Popes, a new,
separate official recogni-tion of this photograph may not be necessary. If
this photograph is well received by many priests and lay people and its
fruits are good, that may be quite sufficient. However, such a matter is
not up to me to decide. We are keenly aware that whatever anyone says,
writes, or does regarding faith and morals is always subject to the
discernment by the proper authority in the Church.
So far, we have sent this photograph to several priests.
One priest, who was the Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon,
responded very positively by saying in his letter that this photograph
was a precious blessing. Another priest in Alabama also sent us
encouraging letters several times. Mr. Daniel Lynch, the National Guardian
and Director of the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe Apostolate
in St. Albans, Vermont, introduced this photograph in his book: Our
Lady of Guadalupe and Her Missionary Image published in 1993. He also
visited the Shrine of Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland a few years later.
We have also sent out more than 20,000 prints of this photograph to the
lay people and received many positive responses. One lady in Los Angeles,
who received 200 copies of this photograph from us, asked us by phone if
we had sprayed perfume on the photograph, as she and her husband smelled
the fragrance of roses from it. Of course, we never spray perfume on
anything we send out. Another lady said that she was smelling the
fragrance of roses while talking to us on the phone about this photograph
and Naju. More recently, a lady, a neighbor of ours in Gresham, Oregon,
complained that she and her family were annoyed by strange noises in their
house every night for several weeks. They heard heavy steps on the stairs,
big noises of the shelves falling in the garage, and other unpleasant
noises and phenomena. They were frightened and depressed because of these
noises night after night and thought they were being harassed by some
spirits or devils. We gave them some holy water and several prints of the
photograph of Our Lady of Guadalupe to place one print in each room of the
house. From the first night these photos were placed in their house, they
have not heard any more noises. They are so relieved and happy. They are
Presbyterians but are beginning to love the Blessed Mother. I think the
devils or spirits feared the Blessed Mother's presence through her Image
and ran away. Our Mother from Heaven could chase away the devils in our
neighbor's house; and she can certainly chase away the devils from the
whole world.
We believe that God intended this photograph as a loving
gift and a powerful sign for everyone. We hope that those who receive this
photograph will honor and cherish it as a special gift from Heaven and as
the Blessed Mother's instrument of manifesting her presence and love for
us. We carry one in our car, too. This photograph looks especially
beautiful and alive under the sunlight.
Why we love and honor the Blessed Mother
According to the Protestant teaching, each individual is
to pursue and maintain his or her direct relationship with God without
anyone else's intermediation. Thus, we are to pray directly to God only,
to be forgiven sins directly by God only (without the Sacrament of
Confession), to be enlightened on the divine teachings directly by the
Holy Spirit only (without the teachings by the Church), and to receive all
the spiritual and other help directly from God only. Of course, God alone
is to be worshipped; He alone is the source of all that is good; He alone
created the world and sustains it; He alone built the Church; and He alone
will judge us and allow us into His Kingdom. However, to be fully correct
and realistic, we need to consider not only the individual dimension of
our life but its social dimension as well for the simple reason that God
created us as individual persons as well as members of societies. God
Himself is One but a Society of Three Persons. Therefore, we need to
associate with God and with one another as individuals and as members of
the societies we belong to. Thus, we are members of our families,
neighborhoods, drivers on streets and highways, passengers on an airplane,
schools, business companies, social clubs, military forces, cities,
countries, the world, and the Church. God perceives and treats us as
individual persons, and, at the same time, as members of societies,
especially, His Family and Kingdom, which is the Church. In approaching
God and interacting with Him, we must not forget either of the two
dimen-sions. Also, when we profess the Apostles' Creed, we say: "we
believe in the communion of the Saints". This concept: "the
communion" is not limited to associating with other people on earth
but also includes our relationship with the Blessed Mother, other Saints,
and angels in Heaven and the suffering souls in Purgatory, as all these
people are the children of God, whether they are in Heaven, purgatory, or
the world. They all belong to the same Mystical Body of Christ, which is
God's Family, Kingdom, and Church. Also, if we only recognize the
individual dimension of the faith life and forget about its social
dimension, we will be ignoring the teaching and pastoral authority of the
Church that Our Lord bestowed on St. Peter and other Apostles and their
successors and also the fact that, in the society of the Church, every
member is an important part of Christ's Mystical Body and is assigned a
particular and essential role to play for the good of the whole Body. In a
kingdom, there are not only the king but also the queen, officers, and
other individuals of varying levels of dignity and responsibility.
Likewise in a family, there are not only the father, but also the mother
and children forming a society of love and different duties. Thus, in
sending the Savior to the fallen world, God the Father not only sent
Jesus, as the Savior and King of all human race, but also gave the Mother
and Queen to all the members of His Kingdom and other officers, too (the
Pope, Bishops, and priests), to guide and administer His Kingdom, which is
His Church. God could have sent the Savior to the world on clouds, as a
totally independent individual, but He did not do so. The Savior came to
our world as God and Man, and accomplished His saving work through the
human context as well as His divine context. Thus, He was born of Mary as
a Baby and raised by her and St. Joseph, associating with many other
people around Him. When Jesus said to John before He died on the Cross: "This
is your mother," and to His Mother, "This is your son", John
was standing there as the representative of all the followers of Jesus.
(The fact that Jesus entrusted His Mother to John indicates that Jesus did
not have direct brothers or sisters. In the Bible, Jesus' several cousins
were referred to as His brothers and sisters according to the old Jewish
custom. It is obvious that it cannot be both true that Jesus had direct
brothers and sisters and that He only had cousins but no direct
brothers or sisters.) Also, as Eve assisted Adam in his commit-ting
sin and leaving the stain of sin to all his descendents, Mary assisted
Jesus, the Savior, as the Second Eve, by offering up her sufferings in
union with the Sufferings of her Son for the salvation of her fellow
humans, and, even after her Assumption into Heaven, by praying for them
and protecting them from all dangers and helping them reach Heaven. Mary's
sufferings cannot replace the infinite merit of Our Lord's sufferings for
human salvation, but are participations in the Lord's sufferings as He
asked all His followers to do so (Luke 9:23 and Colossians 1:24). Mary's
role does not weaken our devotion to God but greatly strengthens it. Does
a mother in any family weaken the children's love and respect for their
father? Mary is the most effective handmaid and instrument of God used to
facilitate His Work of converting, sanctifying, and saving the humans, who
have frequently alienated themselves far from God, hardened their hearts,
and needed the Mother's soft and loving persuasions to melt down their
pride and humbly kneel before God. To us, the poor descendents of Adam and
Eve, banished to the valley of many afflictions and tears, Mary is the
greatest gift from God after the Savior and can enormously enhance our
chances of being saved.
Now in our world so filled with problems and disorders,
the Blessed Mother is intervening more actively than ever as the Advocate
for sinners, constantly praying for them before God and anxiously pleading
with all to return to God, even shedding tears and tears of blood. These
anxious efforts by the Blessed Mother greatly intensified by her
visitation to Guadalupe, Mexico, and working the miracle of her Image in
1531, and she has ever since continued her efforts through numerous
visitations, messages, and miraculous signs in Paris (1830), Lourdes
(1848), Pontmain, France (1871), Fatima (1917), Beauraing, Belgium
(1932-33), Banneux, Belgium (1933), Akita, Japan (1970-75), and now Naju,
Korea since 1985. The special photograph of Our Lady of Guadalupe taken at
the Marian shrine in Portland, Oregon, in 1991 may be one of her many
pleas and gifts that she gives to her children, calling them to listen to
her advices and her Divine Son's teachings, to rely on her help and
protection and to move away from sins and vain lures of the world, as the
present time is the special, precious opportunity for receiving God's
mercy and grace that are pouring down on us.
What is our mission?
The late Pope John Paul II said that the greatest act of
charity one can perform for others is to help them know the saving truths
from Our Lord. If we give others some gifts of this world, it can help
them to some extent, but, if we give them the truths that can lead them to
eternal life, this will benefit them more than anything else. God
entrusted His saving truths to His Church for propagation to all, but, too
frequently, these truths are taken for granted and ignored as irrelevant,
because too many people are more concerned about their immediate needs,
interests, and entertainments than about their most important and
essential needs. Even many of the members of the Church have become quite
insensitive to the Lord's teachings and are negligent in practicing them.
St. Paul said that our life to gain the salvation is like a race. Winning
the race requires full-scale efforts. In 1736, about 700,000 people died
in Mexico because of typhus. Perhaps many of the people at that time
became somewhat oblivious of the great miracle in Guadalupe and became
negligent about their Christian duties 200 years after the miracle. Soon,
in response to the civil authorities' desperate appeal, the Church leaders
proclaimed Our Lady of Guadalupe as the National Patroness of Mexico, and
the plague subsided immediately. Likewise, our present world is
pathetically agonizing under the spread of all kinds of evils, disasters,
difficulties, and disorders. While enjoying the fruits of modern
technology, too many people are forgetting about the need for their
spiritual nourishment and moral discipline and live without true inner
happiness. To overcome this terrible crisis, we must return to the
authentic Christian Faith and moral commandments, which the early Church
Fathers taught and all the Saints in the Church history practiced. Heaven
is now offering us a very special gift that can powerfully help us to
return to the saving truths and the Sacraments in the Church. This gift is
the help from Our Lady, who is the Mother of the Church and the Mother of
each and every one of us who seeks her help as her child. Therefore, we at
Mary's Touch By Mail encourage everyone who reads this paper to make the
important decision to begin reforming their thoughts and lives according
to the anxious advices and pleas by the Blessed Mother, which will never
fail in leading us to Jesus and the true and eternal happiness as long as
we make faithful efforts. More specifically, we suggest that Our Lady
of Guadalupe be solemnly recognized and proclaimed by every individual and
in every home as their true Mother, Queen, and Empress, not just for
themselves and their families but also for their countries and the whole
world, followed by their faithful adherence to her advices and the Lord's
teachings in their daily lives. They will be pleasantly surprised at
the precious progresses and fruits they make.
"It is the same pattern in all the world's Marian
shrines. Mary leads the pilgrims to her Divine Son enthroned in the
Eucharist. With open arms, she welcomes her suffering children, longing to
embrace each one of them and to guide them to the feet of Jesus, who had
also once lain in her arms. In this sense she can be called Our Lady of
the Most Blessed Sacrament, 'the most theological of all Mary's titles
after that of Mother of God,' to quote the words of Pope St. Pius X."
- Page 99, The Wonder of Guadalupe by Francis Johnson published by
Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. in 1981.
"Hail, O Virgin of Guadalupe! . . . As long as you are
recognized as Queen and Mother, Mexico and America will be safe." -
Pope Pius XII in October 1945.
- Benedict Sang M. Lee
September 28, 2010
For more information on Our Lady of Guadalupe and her
messages and signs in Naju, Korea, please contact:
Mary's Touch By Mail
P.O. Box 1668
Gresham, OR 97030
Telephone: (503) 492-7979
Website: www.marys-touch.com
Mary's Touch By Mail is a non-profit organization with
the goal of spreading the authentic Catholic Faith worldwide. We invite
and encourage the faithful everywhere to participate in this mission with
prayers and by spreading the information to others.
We rely on donations to finance this missionary work.
Donations to Mary's Touch By Mail are tax-deductible under the Internal
Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3).